Heya, everyone! Here's a new and fabulous way of earning extra money through writing--join HubPages! Never heard of HubPages? Trulily? Omg!!! Be an instant Hubber today--JOIN HERE! You will find several easy steps to sign-up. Not an English speaker? No problem. You still have 5 days (that is, if you're reading this blog today - May 26, 2010) to polish your English.
Here are some of helpful books: "English Grammar for Dummies", "Thesaurus", "English Language and Composition for Dummies"
And while you're sharpening your writing skills, GO HERE to get a preview of the lists of future topics for this deliciously titled HubPages contest. Read, read, read! For the next 30 days -- for the whole month of June!!! -- you'll be writing hubs about food, food, food!
It doesn't matter whether you can cook or not, you just write about food. I'm sure, you love to eat--haha! Make sure that you write useful and informative hubs because these are included in the criteria for winning in this hub-writing contest.
Commercial break: Are you done signing-up (or retrieving lost password and/or username) on HubPages? Please answer Yes! because it is another good reason to throw a party. To make sure that you won't be busting any personal budget, do not splurge. Just a couple of chips and drinks will be enough for the one and only guest--you. Celebrate your entry to the world of HubPages!
Every day, a hubber is entitled to publish a maximum of 5 hubs/articles with minimum word length of 300 each. There are other rules to follow so you should look for them. What is at stake? A whopping $1000 for the grand winner! You might say you'd be a loser because there might be 15,000 plus hubbers vying for the coveted prize. What the heck! I'll be jumping in even without a prize. HubPages is Exposure--with a capital E. And it will be fun, fun, fun!!! Hiya, what are you waiting for? JUMP IN!!!