Thursday, July 15, 2010

Have You Ever Seen or Tasted Snake Wine?

I was doing a research for a hub on Tapuy Rice Wine when I encountered such exotic (but terrifying) rice wines. These are found mostly in China, Vietnam, and all over Asia. I found large and whole snakes, along with giant scorpions (or seemingly large-sized due to close-up shots), soaked inside transparent bottles of colorless rice wines.

Good thing, there are also whole ginseng roots and other herbs. Otherwise, the claim that these rice wines with venomous creatures have medicinal values will be unbelievable. Although historically, the snake rice wine is among the Traditional Chinese medicine roster. The belief is quite ancient but until today, medicinal rice wines are still popular cure for many illnesses like farsightedness and also an effective performance enhancer.

Wanna try a shot? Me? No, thanks! I'll just hold the camera and take a pic of you while gulping down a shot of snake wine. lol

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