After posting the sisig hub, a new challenge came my way. THIS time—I must have gone permanently insane because I JOINED! It’s a crazy challenge said HubPages but, yup-yup-yup-yup, I’m a lunatic who’s thinking of WRITING—and POSTING 100 HUBS in the next 30 DAYS. Whoa! Divide 100 by 30 is equal to: 3 hubs per day for 20 days and 4 hubs per day for 10 days. Attalist!!! Oooheeehmgeeeee!!! Do you think I’m crazy enough to do the Hub Challenge? Nah! I’ll be bombed! Ha-ha! But… maybe 30 hubs??? Hmmmmmm… Timer starts now—May 11, 2009. Check out the tweets from crazy hubbers!